When the buzz of Easter is over and the realisation of all the left over chocolate you have to eat has hit, why not combine them into a delicious Rocky Road treat! A cute dessert to serve the days following Easter, this delicious treat will have everyone wanting more!
This simple and delicious recipe by Torte By Mirjana, is not only a way to get rid of the unwanted chocolate, but something the kids can help you out with making! Pro tip: Sneak a few of the kids chocolates into the recipe to stop them having a chocolate overload without you watching!
9 Hallow Easter Eggs
One packet of Speckled eggs
Three Marshmallow Bunnies
250g of Mixed Milk Chocolate Eggs
A teaspoon of Vegetable Oil
01. In a heatproof bowl, combine the 250g of mixed eggs
02. Microwave your chocolate, checking it every 20 seconds and giving it a stir until it's melted. Once melted, add the vegetable oil to loosen it up
03. Let the melted chocolate sit whilst you use a sharp knife to carefully cut your Hallow Easter eggs in half
04. Fill the Hallow Easter eggs once cut 3/4 full with melted chocolate. Add your speckled eggs and marshmallows.
05. Leave the eggs to temper at room temperature. This will take about 20-30 minutes depending on how warm your kitchen is.
06. Don't be tempted to place the chocolate in the fridge as it will only be soft when removed!
07. Feel free to add peanuts or frozen dried berries!
Recipe & Photographs: Torte By Mirjana