When hosting your own party there can be so much wastage. You can buy pretty much disposable everything these days and its inexpensive, which makes it all the more appealing for trying to keep costs down. If you would like to try your hand at entertaining the eco friendly way then we have listed a few helpful ideas. Whether it be hosting your own party or Wedding, there are ideas to suit both.
Seeded paper - It has a handmade paper look. The best thing about this paper is you can print your details onto it and then your guest can plant it and watch it grow after your event. It has a really nice organic handmade feel and the most appealing part about using this type of paper is there is no waste! You could also use vegetable inks to print with.
Sustainable party favors - These are very popular at the moment. Party favors can be a cute little potted plant with the guests name attached or even a packet of seeds. So cute!
Placecards or tags - Why not try using leaves as placecards or another sustainable material to write your guests names on. Bamboo swing tags can look rustic and gorgeous.
Fabric wrapping paper - How cute is this? You could use scraps of fabric around the house or even an old table cloth. Tied and dressed with an embellishment can really impress the receiver.
Partyware - So many options these days for sustainable table decor. These have come a long way since they were first introduced. Bamboo, palm leaf and paper/card partyware are just a few materials. Much better for the environment than the typical plastic plate. If you don't like the look of sustainable partyware then you can opt for hiring glassware, cutlery and crockey. This is washable and reusable.
Organic confetti - Any home garden could have an abundance of confetti material. Dried flowers or leaves can be the perfect choice. Its different and can be left to decompose on its own.
Vases - Old reused bottles or jars can give a beautiful rustic feel to any event. You could even use tin cans as a vase.
Entertain at home - If you choose this option you can just use what you have at home, furniture, table decor to create a beautiful personal entertaining space.