We also said no to the traditional desserts (sorry, cupcakes) and went for some exciting desserts such as the fudge pops by Sugar High Desserts, and the dessert of the year, the humble eclairs, by With Love By Zee. Along with some amazing chocolates (with a Nutella centre) by In A World Of Cake, chocolate spoons and chocolate pyramids from Chocolate No 5, cake pops with cotton candy and cotton candy mousse by La Petite Pops, meringue kisses by With Love By Zee, and delicious cotton candy in watermelon and birthday cake flavours by Fluffe.

Kayter & Co's delicious coconuts and its crazy toppings made the top list for our beverages, and what's a Father's Day without some gnarly hot dogs from Woofy's? We even had the whole cart to ourselves, and a cute yellow and striped one at that - and this definitely brought our Hot Diggity Dad concept to life in a super sized way!Having a bit of a tassel obsession, hanging installations was a must and Flossy Flamingos provided the most perfect tassels in the brightest colours and silver varieties. Sweet On Parties also spray-painted some ropes silver and mixed it up with the tassels. Little details goes a long way and we loved the cute acrylic cacti by Gunn & Jackson and of course, the gorgeous cake stands and pedestals from Pretty Pedestals completed the look.

West Elm provided all the amazing furniture and pieces that makes this shoot truly unique. We especially loved the marble top hexagon table and Grid Dot wool rug.But what truly made this shoot a special one was the presence of a 'real' family to join in on the festivities. We invited our friends the musically talented Monro Family- Lee and Veronica along with their gorgeous tribe Phoebe, Miles and Emilia for a dessert or two =)

Lee is an Australian rap artist ( first Australian rap artist to be signed to Sony) and had won best new talent at the 2006 Urban Music Awards under his stage name Figg Kidd. Still a successful artist, he is now known as Lee Monro X Ello C and shares the stage with Ello C. Veronica is also a musical talent being a vocal coach and Director at the Sydney Voice Studio and have also been on Australian Idol.

Phoebe and Miles rocked awesome Bird Bandit and Unicorn costumes from Sparrow & B while bubba Emilia wore the cutest yellow knitted bunny cape and faux-fur mocassins from Peanut & Muscles. Mumma wore a gorgeous copper and black top from Whitney & Eve, Carousel Essentials white boyfriend jeans and Billini Hurley in Speckled Pony sneakers. Daddy wore his brand new Father's Day presents in the form of TOMS sneakers and Hypergrand Maverick watch.

The paperie was a reflection of the theme and bright colours mixed with bold stripes and dots clashed against colourful fonts, and playful bows and crowns. The popsicle shape was in favour for its playful image and we used this throughout the theme. We even made two-pack chocolate boxes into popsicles by adding bows and ice block sticks for something different and fun! Makes a great take-home gift for guests =) We also made custom bonbons, thank you tags, popsicle dessert tags, placemats and wrapping paper.

We hope you have an amazing and colourful Father's Day with loved ones!"
Directed by Oh It's Perfect
Styling by PAPERplayground & Sweet On Parties
Photography by Captured by Kirri
Paperie by PAPERplayground
Furniture, glasses, metal straws, wool rug by West Elm
Cake stands from Pretty Pedestals
Honeycomb fancy by Poppies by Grace
Large honeycombs by Ruby Rabbit Party
Tassels by Flossy Flamingos
Acrylic Cactus by Gunn & Jackson
Kids Costumes by Sparrow & B
Baby's clothing, moccs and accessories by Peanut & Muscles
Women's clothing & Dad's presents supplied by Carousel Bondi
Eclairs & meringue kisses by With Love By Zee
Cotton candy mousse & cake pops by La Petite Pops
Fudge pops with pink donuts by Sugar High Desserts
Couture Chocolates by In A World of Cake
Chocolate pyramids & chocolate spoons by Chocolate No 5
Coconuts by Kayter & Co
Artisanal Cotton Candy by Fluffe
You can find:
Veronica Monro: sydneyvoicestudio.com.au
Lee Monro: www.lmxec.com