The birthday girls request was. “I would like a Pink ballerina party please mummy”. So Jess (Willow's Mum) and Suzanne from Molossi Designs came up with the concept of using lots of glitter, sparkles and pink!
Each of Jess' children’s parties, she spends the afternoon before setting up to try and DIY as much as she can, together as a family. They painted the back drop (wooden panels) with sample pots of paint from Bunnings which was the perfect shade for what she had planned. Drinks station - was made so it was at a similar height to the children’s table so they could help themselves. The 'drinks' balloons were regular silver foil balloons that were painted pink. Then her favourite element was the mirrored signage. She collaborated with Suzanne from Molossi - this is what brought the magic! The table - Jess' husband made the table himself and she draped it with some sheer glittered fabric. They filled little bulbs with silver stars and then topped each setting with the child’s name. The swan straws which were the perfect finish to the mini bottle drinks, they were also handmade. Each year Jess makes her children’s cakes (She is no cake maker so they can be a bit crazy sometimes) with the help of the fresh flowers accompanied with the swan and cake topper, It all came together nicely. They chocolate dipped the strawberries themselves but ordered in Krispy Kremes - They couldn’t have a party without donuts! Their little ballerina had a magical day, the look on her little face when she saw it all set up was one they will never forget.