I love all the details in this Up Up & Away Baby Shower styled by the very talented Sarah of
Sugar Coated Mama. Here's what Sarah had to say about this lovely event.
"I simply love Baby Showers, they are a celebration of life and family, two things very dear to my heart. I especially love the excitement around the arrival of a beautiful little person and the fun that can be had at these special events.
Theming this baby shower was easy, as I was dying to create an Up Up and Away table. It was for a little boy, so blue was an obvious colour, and I picked yellow, pastel green and white to compliment the base palette. Budget was small, so I kept the table very simple, but it went a long way! To tie in with Up Up and Away theme I chose to create some fluffly scalloped lanterns, which I have been obsessed with lately, the blue, yellow and white gradient colours really set off the table. I created a white fluffy backdrop with crepe paper fringe garlands to create the feel of clouds, and used a white table cloth to keep things clean and fresh. "

Photography by Natalie Latu
Cakes and Cupcakes by Get Frosted
Cake Garland by Pom Pom Princess
Personalised Chocolate, candy bar label printables, scalloped lanterns and frill backdrop by Sugar Coated Mama