Back to school was important for Marissa & Kelsey from House Of Fete to celebrate, whether the kids are going back to school or not, they wanted to recognize a new year of learning. Inspired by school supplies, they took the classic things like a no 2 pencil, composition notebook, and chalkboard and challenged themselves to create a festive shoot. They had fringe that was made to look like a pencil, created a chalkboard out of paper plates, and even incorporated vintage lockers, cue the nostalgia.
They set the table with a chalkboard runner so the kids could draw and each place setting was different. The team thought outside the box by making the places into school supplies. They had milk cartons and individual name tags.
The kids had a blast enjoying individual lunch boxes, practicing their abc's on the chalkboard and indulging in the cake (which was filled with peanut butter and jam). Their favorite part was opening the back to school "advent" locker, each compartment was filled with something different. They celebrated a new year with pencil party hats and dug into the cake.
They thought about every detail and head into the new school year excited and inspired, even if they are their new teachers.

Concept and Styling: House of Fete @house.of.fete
Photographer: Jane Greene Creative @janeagreenecreative
Venue: Creative Space Studios @creativespacestudios.co
Party Supplies: Ellie and Piper @ellieandpiperco
Confetti, balloons & word garland: Studio Pep @shopstudiopep
Pencil Fringe: Glam Fete @glamfete
Clothing: Primary Dot Com @primarydotcom
Sweatshirts: The Wishing Elephant @thewishingelephant
Cake Topper: Fancy Free Finery @fancyfreefinery
Flags: Tings Stationery @tingstationery
Chalk Tags: Chalk Designs by Me @chalkdesignsbyme
Invitation: Itsy Bitsy Parties KC @itsybitsypartieskc
Cookies: Sugar Chic Design @sugarchicdesign
Florals: Flowers by Thao @flowersbythao
Lunch boxes: Danville Cheese @danvillecheese
Pencil party hats: Little Blue Olive @littleblueolive & House of Fete @house.of.fete
Apple garlands: Pearl and Jane @pearlandjane
Cake: Luv Sweet Arts @luvsweetarts
Cake Stands: Oh Happy Day Party Shop @ohhappydaypartyshop
Vintage books: Hello Penn Grove @hellopenngrove
Printable: Grace Collective Shop @gracecollectiveshop