PURPLE … I have a love/hate relationship with that hue. I have to admit, I have never been the biggest fan. Recently though I used purple for a couple of projects. ‘Pretty that purple’ I thought ‘I don’t use it very much.’ I continued to ponder. Has mint stolen all the glory? Peach and Blush are not far behind in colour popularity contest, but what about Purple?
When it comes to purple ‘PROCEED with CAUTION’. Too much of it (or the ‘wrong’ shade) and your party may end up looking too ‘strong’ (read tacky). Have we all forgotten Victoria Beckham’s reception wedding dress??? I haven’t! One of the many crimes against purple! A great example of what not to do!
So let’s re-introduce purple, shall we? “Hi, my name is Purple. I’m passionate, strong and rich, but I can also be romantic and dreamy or fun and playful … so what does Mint have that I don’t? I ALSO could look great in chevron, you know!”
To help you re-ignite the purple love, I have put together a party/wedding colour board called ‘Perfect Purple’. If you would like some more purple lovin’ follow this link to my Pinterest board.
Purple depending on the shade (and other colours in the mix) can be used for a sweet baby shower, girly hens party, romantic wedding or a fun little girl’s birthday party.
Here are 2 Purple parties which I love. One of them from Oh it’s Perfect’s own – Sammy.
Ombre Purple Spa Party
Lavender Baby Shower
Colour Board Picture Source 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Written by ANIA of 2 Love Birds

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