There’s nothing better than a great Podcast to get you through the morning commute or your gym workout. The OIP team has compiled a list of our favourite Podcasts for 2019. We have some diverse tastes so there should be something for everyone.
1. The Teacher’s Pet
If you haven’t jumped on this bandwagon yet – we recommend you do. This true crime Podcast has become a talking point at dinner parties and mum’s groups. The Australian’s Hedley Thomas digs into an unsolved cold case. What happened to Lyn Dawson? A mum from Sydney’s Northern Beaches with a seemingly perfect marriage to a star footballer and High School teacher. There were breaking developments in the case after the podcast aired.

2. Conversations
This podcast sucks you in – even when the person being interviewed is someone you don’t think you’ll be interested in. Richard Fidler has a way of drawing out their life story that has you wanting to hear every word. Their stories are amazing and will stick with you.

3. MamaMia Out Loud
This is a fun and witty podcast that will have you laughing like you would with your best friends. The 3 hosts - Mia Freedman, Holly Wainwright and Jessie Stephens - cover all sorts of topics from the latest gossip to breaking political news. It’s a great twice weekly catch up of events and scandals.

4. The Infinite Monkey Cage
If you are a fan of the wonderfully intelligent celebrity scientist Brian Cox, then you should have a listen to this podcast hosted with the equally brilliant and humorous Robin Ince. They invite various experts to discuss a range of scientific topics like ‘Are Humans still Evolving?’ and ‘Microbes: Secret Rulers of the World?’ They always have a well-known British comedian on the panel to lighten the mood and ask the ‘silly’ questions. You’ll be surprised at how entertaining it is and how much you learn.

5. TED Talks Daily
For some thought-provoking ideas from the world’s thinkers and leaders –this is a great podcast to have when you’re on the go.

6. On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Falling into the self-help category, Jay Shetty’s mission is to make ‘wisdom go viral’ by sharing his conversations with insightful people. He’s chatted to Russel Band, Novak Djokovic and other well-known personalities. Tune in for some inspiration to be your best self.

7. Glow Journal
If you’re wondering about the stories behind the beauty products you reach to everyday then look no further than The Glow Journal. Find out about the influencers in the beauty industry with this fun and insightful podcast.

8. After Work Drinks
If you like to stay up-to-date with pop culture and current affairs, join journalists Isabelle Truman and Grace O’ Neill and be entertained by their witty banter and commentary.

We’d love some of your suggestions – let us know what you’re listening to.