There’s nothing quite like a do-it-yourself party at home, filled with hand crafted elements, really reflecting the personality of the little birthday guy or gal.
When Emily, mother to Harry, aged three, and Louis, aged one, was planning this birthday bash, she didn’t want to go down the “traditional super hero route" so it was rolled into a Super Hero Bear, and Baby Bear Party.
The older of the two birthday boys, Harry, took some of the creative control of the event, insisting, “I want a really really big bear hero cake with loooooots of sweets,” but that his younger brother, Louis, can just have a “little teeny cake with no sweets.”
Upon arrival, guests had to conquer an obstacle course before getting to the party, cheekily pairing with the idea of a “Superhero in Training." Throughout the day, guests decorated masks, made necklaces, and did a scavenger hunt in the garden.
Emily went bold with a monochrome palette, with some colours thrown in to keep it appealing for their little guests, and was able to play upon not only hero elements, but also fun forest elements associated with bears. What an adorable day it was-Happy Birthday, Harry and Louis!

Super Bear Teddy/Cushions/Lightbox:
Cotton on Kids