Mint is one of the most (if not THE most) popular party colours at the moment. Mint is cool, calm and collected. It likes hanging out with soft, girly blush pink on a regular basis. Those two are almost inseparable. They complement each other and form a romantic and dreamy colour combination.
I do like mint, I like it a lot, however recently I have been suffering from mintitis (common name - mint overload). That got me thinking “Hmm … how could I use mint but re-invent it a little bit … make it new and exciting again … maybe it could dump Blush (that’s a bit harsh!!!) just for a day or two and start hanging out with much more sophisticated black and white”. After all three doesn’t have to be a crowd! Something missing??? Let’s make these three sparkle with a touch of gold and we will end up with cool, calm, collected, sophisticated and rich!
Oh, one more thing: patterns! Strong geometrical patterns to be precise. You never know, you may just discover that this unexpected colour/pattern combo is simply MINT TO BE!